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Direct Mail for Roofers

Jul 14, 2022 11:26:00 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, roofer marketing

Roofing companies often rely on referrals and inbound leads to sustain their business. Unfortunately, having just one or two ways of generating leads leave many roofing companies susceptible to a host of issues that threaten their business. "In Your Neighborhood" flyers provides roofers with a direct mail program that can enhance their companies' outbound and inbound marketing efforts, so that they can consistently grow their business. Here's why roofing companies should consider adding an In Your Neighborhood flyer to their marketing aresenal.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, roofer marketing

Inbound VS Outbound Marketing

Jul 20, 2017 12:24:46 PMBy David McManus Posted in Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, Content Marketing Company


Inbound marketing vs outbound marketing. What is the difference between the two and which one is better for your business?

Whichever industry you work in, you have a choice when it comes to marketing your business - using  the inbound marketing process or outbound techniques. 

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Topics: Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, Content Marketing Company

How Much Does Marketing Cost?

Nov 9, 2016 12:10:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Marketing Trends

You have the best service or product in the world. The trouble is, nobody knows about it. How do you make more people know about your product today then they did yesterday? That's where marketing comes in.

Marketing is a broad term nowadays and it's easy to get confused by all the strategies and/or technologies you “should” or "can" be using to help your company grow. Many factors contribute to the success and growth of a business, but without marketing and sales (smarketing), a business has little chance of growth, exposure or success. 

Companies continue to spend money on marketing because it matters to their bottom line. However, the amount each company spends differs according to  a number of factors including: growth goals, revenue and industry. 

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Topics: Marketing Trends

Pay for Performance Marketing. Is It Right For Your Business?

Aug 26, 2016 1:47:14 PMBy David McManus Posted in Marketing Trends

Pay for performance marketing (pay for leads, pay for performance, pay for performance model, pay 4 performance marketing model) is a digital marketing pricing model where the marketing agency receives compensation from a business for each new lead it obtains for the business. The agency creates marketing campaigns and promotions to garner and convert leads. Thus getting paid for the lead when it is passed onto the business.

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Topics: Marketing Trends

What really matters to consumers when producing video

Jun 24, 2016 11:00:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

What is the true purpose of a company video? Some would say to sell a product, service or idea. Are they wrong? Ultimately no, but the true purpose goes much deeper than that.

Anyone can pick up their smart phone now days or hire a video production company to produce a single video about a business. But the truth is, no one cares about your business. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

Tree Service Marketing: The next steps for Dramatic Growth

May 23, 2016 4:00:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Lead Generation, Tree Service Marketing, Marketing Trends, Family Owned Businesses, tree service leads

Whether you just started your tree care and tree removal service or have been established in the tree industry for a while, one thing is for sure, it's a highly competitive industry.

In the past two years (since we wrote our earlier post) we've seen an explosion of new tree care service companies popping up (and that's just in the small region of southeastern PA, Delaware and NJ). 

Just Google the word tree service and you'll get multiple pages of tree service companies competing with each other for business in any metropolitan region. 

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Topics: Lead Generation, Tree Service Marketing, Marketing Trends, Family Owned Businesses, tree service leads

Video Marketing Trends for 2016

Jan 14, 2016 9:43:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Marketing Trends, content

In just the past few years there have been some very dramatic changes and disruptions to content production and distribution. What is in store the video and marketing industry? We wanted to share some things that are going to make an impact this year.

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Topics: Marketing Trends, content

Marketing Graduates Struggle to Find Jobs After College

Apr 22, 2015 9:28:00 AMBy Jeffrey Carroll Posted in Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Sales and Marketing, 2015 Marketing, Marketing Trends, Jobs, College Graduates, Phoenixville Marketing, Careers

Tips to gaining an advantage in a competitive industry

Why Marketing Majors Struggle to Find Jobs

Just earned a brand new marketing degree? Ready to start your career as a marketing professional? It wont' be as easy as you think.

It is hard to predict the future of the marketing industry, as it is technology based and ever-changing. Last year’s views and strategies are different than present ones, and to succeed one must stay current and master new marketing trends and tactics.

During college, marketing majors hone their skills with lectures and textbooks. And for what? With the marketing industry's constant evolution and tecnological changes, a marketing degree can become devalued and useless when job hunting. As a result, marketing majors have been having a tough time finding jobs. 

After spending 10-30 years in the classroom and not in the real marketing world, one can question if your professor can even teach about the current trends in marketing or if the schools curriculum even reflects todays current trends. They can certainly read about SEO, social media, content marketing, video marketing, video SEO, inbound marketing, but in reality, they've never lived in that marketing world.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Sales and Marketing, 2015 Marketing, Marketing Trends, Jobs, College Graduates, Phoenixville Marketing, Careers