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The Secret of Your Calls: Use Call Tracking as Your Business Detective

Jul 3, 2024 9:45:00 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in content marketing, Closed Loop Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Call to Action, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, tree service leads, digital marketing


Phone calls might seem like an outdated concept compared to texts, emails, and other digital communications. However, when you need immediate assistance or information from a company, phone calls are invaluable. They provide a direct line for booking services and connecting with potential customers, making them a crucial tool for businesses. Many companies view incoming calls as their primary means of engaging with leads and closing sales.

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Topics: content marketing, Closed Loop Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Call to Action, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, tree service leads, digital marketing

Tips for creating high converting display ads

Nov 11, 2022 2:40:44 PMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, Ice Cream Business, Amplify Your Content, Advanced Targeting

Display ads can be a great way to reach new customers and generate leads for a small business. But if ads are to be successful, you need to make sure that it converts. Here are five tips for creating high-converting display ads that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

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Topics: Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Trends, Ice Cream Business, Amplify Your Content, Advanced Targeting

How to Run an Effective Facebook Advertisement (Advanced Targeting Techniques)

Aug 4, 2016 11:00:00 AMBy Jeffrey Carroll Posted in Social Media, Facebook, Advanced Targeting

So your company is interested in doing some advertisement but not exactly sure where to begin. Facebook advertising can be a great way to start. It is low cost and can be highly targeted with Facebook’s vast access to individual user’s information. In this post, I will go over how to set up a Facebook advertisement and show you some techniques for targeting specific individuals interested in your product or service.

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Topics: Social Media, Facebook, Advanced Targeting