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The Secret of Your Calls: Use Call Tracking as Your Business Detective

Jul 3, 2024 9:45:00 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in content marketing, Closed Loop Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Call to Action, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, tree service leads, digital marketing


Phone calls might seem like an outdated concept compared to texts, emails, and other digital communications. However, when you need immediate assistance or information from a company, phone calls are invaluable. They provide a direct line for booking services and connecting with potential customers, making them a crucial tool for businesses. Many companies view incoming calls as their primary means of engaging with leads and closing sales.

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Topics: content marketing, Closed Loop Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Call to Action, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, tree service leads, digital marketing

Building Customer Loyalty Through Digital marketing

Jun 17, 2024 10:48:00 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Sales and Marketing, Marketing Trends, Ice Cream Business, Call to Action, Amplify Your Content, Content Marketing Company, Display Ads, Community Service

Loyal customers not only provide a steady stream of revenue but also become brand ambassadors who can help attract new customers. 

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Topics: Sales and Marketing, Marketing Trends, Ice Cream Business, Call to Action, Amplify Your Content, Content Marketing Company, Display Ads, Community Service

Choosing A Content Marketing Company: What Manufacturers and Distributors Need to Consider

May 26, 2016 10:00:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Inbound Marketing, content marketing, SEO, Call to Action, Content Marketing Company


Anyone who runs a business, or simply anyone who peruses the internet nowadays, knows there is a shift happening in the marketing world (Well, at least we hope you know this if you're a business owner). The power is increasingly in the hands of the consumer. Today’s top marketing companies and top consumer brands know that modern marketing is about providing great educational content for their consumers rather than giving the hard sell.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, content marketing, SEO, Call to Action, Content Marketing Company