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The Importance of High-Quality Content

May 31, 2024 11:50:08 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Lead Generation, content marketing, Marketing Trends, Rankings, content, Amplify Your Content, digital marketing



Creating high-quality content is the cornerstone of effective SEO strategies. Good content not only attracts and engages your audience but also significantly boosts your website's search engine rankings. In the competitive digital landscape, it’s essential to prioritize content that adds value and is well-optimized for search engines.

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Topics: Lead Generation, content marketing, Marketing Trends, Rankings, content, Amplify Your Content, digital marketing

Unlocking Sales for Equipment Distributors: A Guide to remarketing

Feb 9, 2024 3:36:49 PMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Marketing Trends, content, digital marketing


Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a digital marketing strategy that holds immense value for manufacturing and equipment distributors. It's not just about getting visitors to your site; it's about converting those researchers into buyers. By presenting targeted ads to individuals who have interacted with your brand but haven't taken the desired action, remarketing aims to reignite their interest and guide them back to your business.

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Topics: Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Marketing Trends, content, digital marketing

How to edit 360° video

Jul 13, 2016 6:00:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, video seo, Online Video, content

We've discussed using 360 video for your business and how to shoot 360° video for your business. Next, you'll need to know how to edit 360 video.

Okay, now that you have some footage shot with your 360° camera, you'll need to edit the footage into a completed piece. When it comes to editing 360 footage, the cameras used in this project both have their own unique approach.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, video seo, Online Video, content

What really matters to consumers when producing video

Jun 24, 2016 11:00:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

What is the true purpose of a company video? Some would say to sell a product, service or idea. Are they wrong? Ultimately no, but the true purpose goes much deeper than that.

Anyone can pick up their smart phone now days or hire a video production company to produce a single video about a business. But the truth is, no one cares about your business. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

Get Found, Attract leads - Local SEO tips for Service Providers

Feb 18, 2016 10:50:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Social Media, Web Design, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Lead Generation, SEO, Blogging, Google, Rankings, content

Local SEO is a powerful way to promote your business, especially if you are a service provider. Local SEO can help you attract leads and reach potential customers.

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Topics: Social Media, Web Design, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Lead Generation, SEO, Blogging, Google, Rankings, content

Video Marketing Trends for 2016

Jan 14, 2016 9:43:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Marketing Trends, content

In just the past few years there have been some very dramatic changes and disruptions to content production and distribution. What is in store the video and marketing industry? We wanted to share some things that are going to make an impact this year.

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Topics: Marketing Trends, content

Dominate the Blogging World One Step at a Time

Jan 11, 2016 11:54:28 AMBy David McManus Posted in Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, Blogging, Google, content

Blogging is hard; there is no doubt about it. It’s even harder creating a successful blog as a whole. So don’t give up hope if your blog doesn’t seem to be doing what you need it to be doing because this isn’t a new concept. Seven years ago, Technorati projected that 95% of blogs were unsuccessful because of their authors neglecting them. How can we save our blogs from abandonment?

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, Blogging, Google, content