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Top Tips To Create And Grow Your YouTube Audience

Sep 6, 2024 8:30:00 AMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, Online Video, Video Production, Amplify Your Content, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, digital marketing

Video content is one of the most powerful tools a business can deploy to connect with and educate its audiences. Long-form videos offer a great way to introduce and inform viewers about a brand, product, or service, while short-form videos can showcase a brand’s personality in a fun and engaging way. Research indicates that video content improves users' understanding of products or services, and helps drive website traffic.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, Online Video, Video Production, Amplify Your Content, Advanced Targeting, Content Marketing Company, digital marketing

Is SEO Needed For Your Roofing Business?

Dec 15, 2022 1:00:00 PMBy Avanti Vision Posted in Small Business Marketing, video seo, SEO, Marketing Trends, roofer marketing

People are realizing the benefits of working in a skilled trade and competition is becoming fierce. To become successful, and beat your competition you will need to market your services both online and offline. There are a lot of strategies to get your roofing business found by customers and one of them is SEO. But the question is, do you need to hire an SEO service provider to help get your business get found online?

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Topics: Small Business Marketing, video seo, SEO, Marketing Trends, roofer marketing

On-page VS Off-page SEO

Aug 15, 2017 2:43:59 PMBy David McManus Posted in Lead Generation, video seo, SEO

I'm sure you've heard the term Search Engine Optimization. Which is the process of getting your site ranked on search engines. A website is not just the face of your business, it's a way to get new customers to your business. But before you can get any new customers through your website, your company (website) will need to rank on search engines. Ultimately your goal should be to get on the first page of Google. Ranking on the first page of Google is easier said than done but to do it, you can deploy two SEO methodologies.

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Topics: Lead Generation, video seo, SEO

Philadelphia Video Production; 5 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHOOSING A Company

Aug 10, 2016 10:35:44 AMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Video Production

Video is used everywhere nowadays. Long gone are the days when it was a medium just for the television. Which is a good thing because small companies can now use video technology to promote their business in creative ways instead of wasting a small fortune on TV advertising. 

Sure TV advertising might be worth something for a huge company like Procter & Gamble (who spent 4.5 billion on TV advertising in 2014) but most small companies don't have a budget of a country, which is basically what it costs to produce a television spot and buy the air time as well. The companies that rely on television advertising are quickly disillusioned by the questionable demographics Nielsen provides and the low return on investment the spot actually delivers. That's why P&G cut their TV ad spend over $500 million in 2015 and shifted that to a digital marketing spend...simply because it believes online ads deliver a higher return on investment than TV or print.

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Topics: Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Video Production

11 Reasons People Will Love Your Contractor Website

Jul 28, 2016 9:30:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Web Design, Video Marketing, video seo, content marketing, Blogging


Okay, love is a strong word but people do not hesitate in using it when describing things that they...well like, a lot. So, when people are looking to get work done on their home and they land on your contractor website, you need to put your best face forward. Having a website that is properly optimized, designed with mobile in mind and able to generate leads will set your site apart from all the other contractor websites in your region.
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Topics: Web Design, Video Marketing, video seo, content marketing, Blogging

How to edit 360° video

Jul 13, 2016 6:00:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, video seo, Online Video, content

We've discussed using 360 video for your business and how to shoot 360° video for your business. Next, you'll need to know how to edit 360 video.

Okay, now that you have some footage shot with your 360° camera, you'll need to edit the footage into a completed piece. When it comes to editing 360 footage, the cameras used in this project both have their own unique approach.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, video seo, Online Video, content

How to shoot 360° video

Jul 7, 2016 6:00:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, Small Business Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, Video Production

As mentioned in the previous post, we've been excited about 360 video for a while and the impact it is going to have on content for businesses, broadcasting and gaming worlds.

Our last post on 360° video showed examples of pictures and video, each of which were deployed and utilized in different ways. The process of creating a 360 video is a bit more involved than creating a conventional video and more involved than just taking a 360 photography. While experimenting with this technology we put together a three part series of videos that shows how we shot and edited our 360 videos...this post is about how to shoot 360 video for your business.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, Small Business Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, Video Production

What really matters to consumers when producing video

Jun 24, 2016 11:00:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

What is the true purpose of a company video? Some would say to sell a product, service or idea. Are they wrong? Ultimately no, but the true purpose goes much deeper than that.

Anyone can pick up their smart phone now days or hire a video production company to produce a single video about a business. But the truth is, no one cares about your business. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Post Production, content marketing, Blogging, Marketing Trends, Online Video, content, Video Production

5 Reasons Why Online Video Marketing Is Useful For Your Company Today

Apr 28, 2015 11:34:00 AMBy Jeffrey Carroll Posted in Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, Inbound Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Online Video

Video marketing: Online video marketing is an easy and convenient way for people to consume information.

  1. Today we live in a culture that has adopted a very fast way of living. “Time is money", and people don’t have the time to read long articles on products or services. Videos are less time consuming than text advertising, and can provide the consumer with a lot of useful information in a short amount of time. In a recent study conducted by Digital Sherpa, It was found that 64% of web visitors are more likely to purchase a product after viewing an informational video on the Web.

  2. More people are using their mobile devices to surf the Web. This is a trend that has become common, especially in the younger generations. Text information appears small and hard to read on mobile devices while video is clear and easy to use. A study conducted by Cisco, shows that mobile Internet traffic has increased 69% from 2013- 2014.

  3. Online videos are easily shared via social media. Almost any video that you find online has a like or share button that instantly posts the video to an individuals social media. This helps the video obtain an audience, which can convert into more leads for your product or service.

  4. Online videos are cheap and easy to produce. Videos can be obtained with just a small portion of your businesses marketing budget. Depending on the level of expertise and quality of equipment, the cost of these videos rage from a couple hundred to thousand dollar projects.

  5. Video marketing is a sales approach that works around the clock. As long as the video is up to date and relevant, the targeted customer can access valuable information at his or her own convenience.

* Fun Fact- Youtube is the second most used search engine in the world 

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Topics: Video Marketing, Broadcast Video, Inbound Marketing, video seo, Video production tips, Online Video

Google's Summer Updates Shake Up Local Search, and Rich Snippets

Aug 8, 2014 12:00:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, content marketing

As Digital marketers, the Avanti team spends a lot of time in search engine land but more specifically, following and measuring traditional organic search results. Over the past months there have been shake-ups to search engine results pages - and when we talk about search engines, we’re referring to the powerhouse Google.

In case you haven’t heard, Google has come out with an update called Pigeon, which for the most part has affected how Google uses and determines a searchers location. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, content marketing