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Dominate the Blogging World One Step at a Time

Jan 11, 2016 11:54:28 AMBy David McManus Posted in Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, Blogging, Google, content

Blogging is hard; there is no doubt about it. It’s even harder creating a successful blog as a whole. So don’t give up hope if your blog doesn’t seem to be doing what you need it to be doing because this isn’t a new concept. Seven years ago, Technorati projected that 95% of blogs were unsuccessful because of their authors neglecting them. How can we save our blogs from abandonment?

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, Blogging, Google, content

Content for Everybody is Content for Nobody

Dec 28, 2015 3:07:12 PMBy David McManus Posted in content marketing, Blogging

You have blogs, newsletters, podcasts, hopefully video and products / service information that targets a broad general audience. However, when you really think about it, how is that working out for you as a content marketing strategy?

Ask yourself, “Who is the audience I am trying to reach with my services?”

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Topics: content marketing, Blogging

New Marketing Methods Embraced by Dumpster Rental Companies

Dec 23, 2015 11:42:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Inbound Marketing, content marketing

Avanti Vision recently did a research campaign of over 100 dumpster rental companies across the United States. After talking to mostly the business owners themselves it was surprising how many seem to have said the same thing no matter what geographic or metro area they were in. 


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Topics: Inbound Marketing, content marketing

Content Marketing vs SEO - Which is Better for Your Business?

Dec 15, 2015 4:36:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Lead Generation, content marketing, SEO, Sales and Marketing, Rankings

One question we get often when talking to business owners is. Should I invest in SEO or content marketing? 

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Topics: Lead Generation, content marketing, SEO, Sales and Marketing, Rankings

Content: The Foundation to Your Inbound Success

Jul 13, 2015 12:16:00 PMBy Bethany Mitchell Posted in Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, SEO, Blogging

Content. Content. Content. We talk about it a lot as inbound marketers, but we are not taking it as 

seriously as we should. Only 44% of B2B marketers have a documented content strategy, and only 39% of
B2C marketers have one. Content is the foundation of inbound marketing so there should be nothing stopping any of us from creating a dynamite content strategy. The question is, why should we be spending so much time on something so fundamental? Here’s why:

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Topics: Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing, SEO, Blogging

The Lead Generation Machine - Part 1 Content

Jun 16, 2015 3:17:36 PMBy David McManus Posted in Web Design, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing, Sales and Marketing

As a business owner you're faced with the challenge of generating new business and attracting potential buyers everyday. Generating leads - both high in quality and quantity - should be an important objective when trying to grow your business. A successful lead generation engine is what keeps the funnel full of sales prospects while you sleep.

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Topics: Web Design, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing, Sales and Marketing

How You Can Use Instagram To Help Market Your Business

May 22, 2015 12:30:00 PMBy Jeffrey Carroll Posted in Social Media, Inbound Marketing, content marketing, Blogging, 2015 Marketing, Phoenixville Marketing, Instagram

One of the most modern content marketing strategies today is posting photos or images of your products on different online outlets, especially social media sites. Giving potential customers a detailed view of your product, accompanied by reviews or general comments from past customers, can be extremely beneficial in sales. With a good picture and other’s validation an appreciation of your product is developed prompting the buyer to a point of action.

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Topics: Social Media, Inbound Marketing, content marketing, Blogging, 2015 Marketing, Phoenixville Marketing, Instagram

10 Advantages of Google My Business for Local Companies

Feb 6, 2015 11:53:00 AMBy David McManus Posted in Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing

Google My Business:

Did you know Google is more than just a search engine? It is also a directory, and a great one at that for small businesses.

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Topics: Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Lead Generation, content marketing

5 Tips to Get Started on Local SEO in the New Year

Jan 2, 2015 12:10:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Local Search, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing

Even if you’re a business located in a specific geographic region - SEO (search engine optimization) is an effective way to drive traffic to your storefront or website.

Whether a service provider or retail location here are several easy to implement tips that all local business can use to land more customers in the coming year.

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Topics: Local Search, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing

Google's Summer Updates Shake Up Local Search, and Rich Snippets

Aug 8, 2014 12:00:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, content marketing

As Digital marketers, the Avanti team spends a lot of time in search engine land but more specifically, following and measuring traditional organic search results. Over the past months there have been shake-ups to search engine results pages - and when we talk about search engines, we’re referring to the powerhouse Google.

In case you haven’t heard, Google has come out with an update called Pigeon, which for the most part has affected how Google uses and determines a searchers location. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, Local Search, Small Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation, video seo, content marketing