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How You Can Use Instagram To Help Market Your Business

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Avanti Vision
instagram marketing

instagram photo

One of the most modern content marketing strategies today is posting photos or images of your products on different online outlets, especially social media sites. Giving potential customers a detailed view of your product, accompanied by reviews or general comments from past customers, can be extremely beneficial in sales. With a good picture and other’s validation an appreciation of your product is developed prompting the buyer to a point of action.

In 2015, business marketing companies are maximizing Instagram’s full potential by using  it as a unique marketing outlet for various applications. The same goes for small businesses, they are jumping on the bandwagon and coming up with creative tricks on Instagram to trigger market interest.

If you have never used or heard of Instagram before it is time to get with the program. Instagram is a free mobile photo-sharing app that currently has 300 million users and the number is still increasing. Acquired by Facebook in April 2012, Instagram has seen a lot of changes lately, including how it is interconnected with other social media sites. As Instagram and other social media sites develop, businesses need to stay current so they can use these sites to promote their product or service.

New to Instagram and have no clue what you are doing? Not to worry, Avanti Vision is supplying you with tips and tricks to help your business market themselves on Instagram.


What to post?

For many companies coming up with creative pictures that will promote your company is a very challenging aspect when first using the application. Some good content ideas for your product or service include:


Showing off your product or service

Post pictures or videos of your product or service. Show the product in action. If you are a local pizza shop post a picture of a family having a good time at your establishment, or show a picture of customers eating and enjoying your product. If you sell cars, post a picture of your product on the road or an inside view of it when driving. Any product that helps some type of service or activity, go ahead and demonstrate it through posts.


Post how the product is made

People are interested in how things work and how things are made. So post about it! A great example is a start-up microbrewery. Post the steps and processes that go into making such a great-tasting product. Whether it's the type of hops you use, what flavors you put into the beer, or what unique equipment was used, people are interested and it leads to more followers and more traffic to your page.


Post pictures of your business place of operation

A good example would be in the restaurant industry. Pictures that show the good qualities of your establishment are great content to encourage customers to come to partake in your dining experience. Pictures that show mood, ambiance, creative design, atmosphere, or cleanliness are all good ways to promote your business. Another example would be the manufacture of some sort of product showing advanced technology or the production of the product.


Provide followers with a preview of upcoming products

If your company is introducing a new product or service in the upcoming months, present a preview of it to create awareness and excitement with your customers. Customers are always eager to get the newest most advanced product on the market.


Post Employees and Staff

Posting pictures of your staff and employees having fun or smiling when engaging with customers is another good way to promote business. A customer is much more likely to go to a facility where the staff is happy while working because it correlates with outstanding customer service.



Just started posting on your Instagram and want to gain followers and likes on your posts? Hashtags are incredibly important when trying to generate traffic to your posts. Hashtagging common trends, words, and phrases related to your product is how people find your pictures and posts. The more hashtags you have the more it will appear when a potential customer searches for that particular keyword. Once you hashtag a word with Twitter, Instagram and Google +, all account users can see it. It goes into the world of hashtags. This allows users who are not following you to see your tweets and the content that you put out on various social media sites. So to keep it simple, people are only one hash-tagged word away from possibly being seen by thousands, if not millions of people through social media.


Followers Follow the Good Examples

Follow companies and brands in your industry and in other industries who are using Instagram efficiently. Learn from them. This is especially important when you first get started on Instagram. Knowing what works and doesn’t work will significantly improve your account success.


Follow Your Customers 

If you have dedicated customers that want to follow you, it’s worth following them back. Engaging with them and showing them you care about them will create a stronger business relationship. But you should still be conservative with which customers you follow. If their content ties in closely to your brand and what you post, then it can be rewarding. But if they post a lot of content that is unrelated or inappropriate you don’t need to follow them back. Follow Your Partners and Associates

If you are affiliated with other companies or have business partners in your business, follow them on Instagram. It shows solidarity and support while also allowing you to see what they are doing.



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