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Why Industrial Manufacturers Should Think Like Media Companies

Dec 8, 2015 4:21:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Video Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing, Online Video


Why should industrial manufacturers and distributors start to think like a media company?

It's hard not to notice that video content dominates our daily lives nowdays when it comes to communication strategies. Content, in particular video content, plays an important role in any marketing strategy and can have a dramatic effect on the sales cycle. In an industry that relies a lot on demonstrations, trade shows and word of mouth to acquire business, manufacturers and distributors of Industrial equipment stand the most to gain through producing content.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales and Marketing, Online Video

The Lead Generation Machine - Part 1 Content

Jun 16, 2015 3:17:36 PMBy David McManus Posted in Web Design, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing, Sales and Marketing

As a business owner you're faced with the challenge of generating new business and attracting potential buyers everyday. Generating leads - both high in quality and quantity - should be an important objective when trying to grow your business. A successful lead generation engine is what keeps the funnel full of sales prospects while you sleep.

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Topics: Web Design, Reputation Management, Lead Generation, content marketing, Sales and Marketing

Marketing Graduates Struggle to Find Jobs After College

Apr 22, 2015 9:28:00 AMBy Jeffrey Carroll Posted in Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Sales and Marketing, 2015 Marketing, Marketing Trends, Jobs, College Graduates, Phoenixville Marketing, Careers

Tips to gaining an advantage in a competitive industry

Why Marketing Majors Struggle to Find Jobs

Just earned a brand new marketing degree? Ready to start your career as a marketing professional? It wont' be as easy as you think.

It is hard to predict the future of the marketing industry, as it is technology based and ever-changing. Last year’s views and strategies are different than present ones, and to succeed one must stay current and master new marketing trends and tactics.

During college, marketing majors hone their skills with lectures and textbooks. And for what? With the marketing industry's constant evolution and tecnological changes, a marketing degree can become devalued and useless when job hunting. As a result, marketing majors have been having a tough time finding jobs. 

After spending 10-30 years in the classroom and not in the real marketing world, one can question if your professor can even teach about the current trends in marketing or if the schools curriculum even reflects todays current trends. They can certainly read about SEO, social media, content marketing, video marketing, video SEO, inbound marketing, but in reality, they've never lived in that marketing world.

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Topics: Video Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Sales and Marketing, 2015 Marketing, Marketing Trends, Jobs, College Graduates, Phoenixville Marketing, Careers

Blurring the Line Between Sales & Marketing

Dec 5, 2014 4:06:00 PMBy David McManus Posted in Sales and Marketing

Customer (business or individual) behavior is rapidly changing. A wealth of knowledge is immediately available to people, just a swipe or click away. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones have changed the game, and it’s not going to change back. The customer is in control by doing most of the leg work formerly done by Sales, putting the ball in Marketing’s court.

The line between Sales and Marketing used to be bold. Neither could, or wanted to do, the other’s job. Now, that line is blurring as potential customers are armed with more information - companies must evolve or perish. In order for the salespeople to have a chance to do their jobs, a shift to persuasive marketing is necessary. Sales and Marketing need to work more closely together to create a direct path to purchase for the customer. In turn, this new integration will maximize revenue.

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Topics: Sales and Marketing