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Tips to Set up an Engaging LinkedIn Company Page

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Avanti Vision
Linked In company pages

 Your LinkedIn Company Page is a great place for attracting both prospective customers and employees. Its unique ability to build professional relationships on a social platform sets it apart from other social media sites. This blog will share tips on how to diversify your company profile page so it is appealing enough to draw attention to your business, product, or yourself.

Tip #1 Company Overview

You must have an attention-grabbing professional company overview page, as this will be people’s first impression of what you offer. That initial impression will show everyone what you are all about, and if done correctly it will spark interest. “Make it easy for the right people to find your Company Page by adding SEO terms in the description and ‘Specialties’ sections.” – LinkedIn. This will allow selected or targeted people to find you on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Company Pages

Tip #2 – Company Page

Keep your Company Page fresh with cover images that reflect your company’s accomplishments, events, and offerings. For example, have a “Thank you” cover image for getting 100,000 customers or opening 2 new stores. Whatever the occasion is, highlighting your company's assets will get others excited about what you are offering.

Tip #3 – Careers Page

Having a strong brand that can attract employees and potential clients. You can increase engagement and brand awareness by using certain types of media on your careers page. For example, video creates an easy and engaging form of media that establishes trust between consumers/job-seekers and the company.     

Tip #4 – Showcase Page

With a Showcase Page, you can extend your Company Page by focusing your message to engage specific audiences. This page can be used to feature products or services that you may be trying to promote. Also, this section can be used for business lines or initiatives with unique messaging and audience segments.

Tip #5 Using Featured Groups

“Tie all of your LinkedIn communities together by using Featured Groups to show Groups you manage or participate in on your Company Page.”  - LinkedIn

Using Featured Groups will allow you to connect with people who are interested in the same fields and industries that you are.

 Tip #6 Engagement and Analytics

Every time you like something, comment, or share content, it increases your reach and chance of being noticed on LinkedIn. Engaging your followers in conversation and prompting them to take action is another good way to get noticed. But how do you know if your efforts are working? What posts, how frequent, what topics? All this information can be found on the page analytics section of LinkedIn. It has detailed graphs and charts that will help you answer some of your toughest questions.

LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with friends, colleagues, and other professionals. It can help promote you as an individual professional as well as help your company gain traffic and business.

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