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How to Write an Effective Script For Your Business

Image of Avanti Vision
Avanti Vision
writing a video script
Congratulations on knowing the importance of writing a script for your video. The script is not easy, it’s time-consuming but will save you time in the whole production process.

In this video, we will give you recommendations for writing an effective script for your business

  1. Message. Who is the exact audience you’re trying to reach? What do you want them to know? Think about other issues you might want to address such as pain points or how you can solve their problem. The more specific and focused your message is, the higher the retention rate.
  2. Concept. You may already have an idea of what you’re video wants to look like or may have seen an example of one you like. Since every video should have a purpose for your specific audience, think about how you want to communicate your message. Is it going to be interview-style? Or perhaps you want an animated video. Figuring out the overall concept will guide you when putting the words to paper.
  3. You need to research. Know who you’re producing for
  4. Length. You should have a clear idea of how long you want your videos to be. Of course, length will also be affected by your delivery method and the purpose of the video. If the video is going on the web then you may want to consider a shorter video over a long video. Remember you only have so much time to get your message across. Always read your script aloud at a regular pace. This gives you a true measure of the words on your page versus the time allotted. If when you read, you go over the allotted time you want, you know you have to start cutting words off the page.
  5. Budget –when you’re writing you have to think about how much it going to cost to produce what you’re writing You have to factor in budget throughout the whole production and post-production phase as well

These are some of the things we’ll have to think about. Depending on how important your video is, you may want to leave it to a professional.


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