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How Google Affects Your Tree Service Business

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Avanti Vision
how google affects your tree service business

How does Google affect your tree service business?

Google can have a massive effect on the success and failure of your tree service business, whether you know it or not. The last thing you need (or want) to worry about is whether your business shows up on the first page of Google when someone searches for tree services in your town. But the reality is, that catering to Google can help you dominate your competition and bring you potential new customers as well.


Consumers search Google for products and services and make a purchasing decision based on the information provided. It’s rare for a business to be able to compete and succeed in today’s marketplace without a presence on Google.

The effect of first-page organic ranking can make a huge difference in the successful growth of your tree care business. Just as poor rankings can have a disastrous effect on it. When your company is listed on the 1st page of Google, you gain a significant advantage over those companies who are on page 2 or 3. As the saying goes: a great place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of Google because nobody looks there. If no one is finding your business with an online search, there’s a slim chance you’ll generate any new business through advertising, social media, or your reputation alone. You might get a few referrals from existing customers, but that will not be enough to sustain your business as you will quickly exhaust that resource.  Google can send a constant flow of new customers to your website who previously did not know you. Having a constant source of new leads will put you in a position to grow your business, hire additional team members, and generate more profits.

How Google affects your tree service business

How Google affects your tree service business.

It’s naive to think your competition is not already working with an SEO or lead generation company to grow their businesses. Any business, tree service or not, would jump at the opportunity to shut down its competitor and reach more customers to increase revenue. If you are not doing your due diligence in SEO and allowing your potential customers to find you online, you’re essentially handing that lead over to your competitor who is diligent about their search ranking.

Since search rankings can have such a dramatic effect on your business, it is important to make SEO a part of your business strategy. However, SEO is not something you can tackle on your own. Without the knowledge of proper techniques and processes, SEO could be more detrimental to your business than positive. For instance, there’s a big difference between ranking first for your business name and ranking first for the services you provide. Nobody is typing your name into the search bar to look for tree services if they don’t know your name. You want to show up for “keywords” that potential customers are searching for.

That’s why working with a legitimate SEO company (one that specializes in tree service SEO) will be a win-win for you.

Now that you know the importance of Google search and the effect it can have on your business, it’s time to implement a plan. The first step, click on the image below to get a complimentary website analysis for your tree service business.

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