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I’ve been BLACKLISTED by Google, what did I do wrong?

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Avanti Vision
I've been blacklisted by Google

I've been blacklisted by GoogleFirst to answer the questions; what you did do wrong, if you did anything wrong and it’s not a technical error that caused your rankings to drop, know it’s not the end of the world and there are solutions for you out there.  It’s just NOT RECOMMENDED TO DEAL WITH THIS ALONE.  You did something wrong the first time and trying to fix this yourself may either cause your situation to be worse or just have you wasting more time.  

Can somebody help you; yes.  Take us for instance, Avanti Vision.  We can confidently say, backed up by case studies and testimonials, that we have a pretty good idea as to what Google, Yahoo, and Bing want and don’t want in a website.  Chances are if we look at your website we’ll be able to find out what’s wrong.  Items we’ll be looking for include but are not limited to:

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Low PR backlinking (common)
  • Duplicated content (very common and devastating to search engine results)
  • Obvious attempts to manipulate results
  • Deceptive representation of website (having your site look like it’s one thing but different once you enter it)
  • Poor coding (again, it could just be technical)

We could go on all day listing things that can contribute to poor search results.  Just know if you’re in this situation again, you need to make sure you find somebody who knows what they're doing. 

Make sure you consult with somebody that knows what they’re talking about.

It can be tough finding an SEO or internet marketing consultant who knows what they’re doing.  Our next blog post will consist of finding an SEO consultant who knows the business.  Warning signs, red flags, good signs, and more.

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